Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Get a Global Outlook

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  September 26, 2013

Get a Global Outlook

Interesting take on who’s taking over the C-suite in this HBR article.  The upshot:  today’s top business CEOs are cross-cultural.  As in, a Brazilian-Lebanese-French CEO of a well-known Japanese car company.

While this article talks about the high demand of the “global elite” managers, you can apply the findings to us.  Think about it:  if our clients have more global backgrounds, does this affect the thought leaders they bring in to help their companies?  You bet it does.

A great next step:  Check out the three areas these leaders create value.  Take the global perspective out and you create value everywhere.  These are our benchmarks.  And…these could be the benchmarks the new leaders use to determine our value.

Best quote in the entire piece:  “What all these steps amount to is a willingness to take risks.  Successful global leaders put themselves in unfamiliar situations and challenge their mental models.”  We can do that without uprooting our lives and living abroad.  We do that now by applying the global mindset right here at home.

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