Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> How To Position Your Predictions

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  October 28, 2014

How To Position Your Predictions

We spend a lot of time trying to predict (or helping others predict) the next big thing.  So this Forbe’s interview with cool venture capitalist Dr. Carl Ledbetter shares some great ideas about what to do (and not say) the next time you talk about your vision of what’s coming next.

My favorite tips:

  • Don’t say this idea is the next (enter big trend here).  That doesn’t work for the high-end buyers because they know there will never be another whatever.  Instead, position your idea as same impact but different path.  Ledbetter’s basketball examples make this point crystal clear.
  • Find the pattern that matters most.  There’s a big difference between legitimate patterns out there and finding the pattern that changes the world.  Why do so many people miss the one thing that changes everything?  They focused too much on personal preferences.


Bottom line:  the biggest barrier to seeing what’s really out there is our own bias.  Let go of what you think should happen and look at the patterns in your client’s environment.  Accept that reality and go from there.  You’ll be surprised at how far ahead (and how valued) your perspective will be.


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