Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Influence The Story

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  August 01, 2013

Influence The Story

I am always fascinated with stories — what we tell others and what we tell ourselves.  This Fast Company article has an interesting idea on why we do what we do.

The upshot:  We do stuff to prove to ourselves that we are the person we think we are.  The story:  I do xxx because I am xxx.  We link actions to emotional attributes.

Look past the long line examples and ask yourself:  What do your clients tell themselves about their decision to work with you?  Do they tell themselves, “I am so excited about working with xxx.  I am ready to go to the big leagues!”  Or do they think, “Gee, I would like to work with xxx, but I have to be prudent with my money.”

We can influence this story.  We can create an experience that gives clients the courage to move forward with confidence.  Remember, our biggest competitor isn’t another outside solution; it’s doing nothing–or doing it alone.

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