Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Let’s Bet Big

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  May 26, 2016

Let’s Bet Big

To get ahead, you have to venture outside of your comfort zone.

Many of us in the U.S. are gearing up for Memorial Day weekend. On the usual agenda are backyard barbeques with friends and family. While I do love a good time, I also reflect on those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so I can run around loose.

As I say a little prayer for those who stepped up and made the ultimate sacrifice, a confrontational question pops up. What do the rest of us sacrifice for?

Here’s what I’ve noticed: too many of us risk just inside our comfort zone. We talk a good game about our mission, our purpose—until the rubber hits the road and we have to cash in chips that are in short supply.

Related: How Committed Are You?

And that’s when we tell ourselves these stories:

  • I’ll start small at first and see what happens.
  • Sure, I’ll invest in my business when (a big client comes in, I win the lottery, etc.)

The reality: We hedge our bets. Perhaps the best way to honor those who give so much is to at least attempt their courage. Let’s bet big on our mission, our purpose, our work. If we don’t, no one else will.

I haven’t always gone all in. The times I have were scary for sure. What I found outside my comfort zone: miracles.

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