Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Pay Attention To These Game-Changing Trends In Content Marketing

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  October 01, 2015

Pay Attention To These Game-Changing Trends In Content Marketing

As content marketing is now critical to big brands, thought leaders need to keep up with the trends. This article from Content Standard (which should be on your reading list BTW) is a great heads up to what we should do in 2016.

Look past the industry jargon and pay attention to these strategic heads up:

  • Google will upset everyone’s applecart by becoming the bridge between content and publishers. Watch for more matchmaking platforms in the future. Which means we must enter that ocean as well. Let the games begin.
  • Media is now into the platform business, made up of a network of bloggers and experts who are paid by the post/article. This is good news for thought leaders. Be aware that Corporate America will compete with us for these outlets though.


Related: How to Make Your Ideas Stand Out

  • Pay attention to this buzzword: influencer marketing. That means Corporate America wants to get their message out using influencers. Translation: if you have a following (and have the data to prove it), you have opportunities. (Related: This is how fashion bloggers make over $1M in revenue.)


The upshot: thought leaders will be measured by the community they create and the influence they have in those tribes. Putting out great content is just one piece of the puzzle. And…before you go and spend a lot of time and money on implementation, ask yourself: is your platform generating the attention you deserve? If not, look at strategic changes first, then go for getting out there.


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