Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Value of Intangibles

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  August 29, 2013

The Value of Intangibles

How many times have you had to describe your ROI to prospective clients?  If you are in the marketing space, show them this article from Forbes.

The upshot:  while ROI is great for some things — such as management — it’s not a standard for everything.  Sometimes ROI is not the best measurement for determining value.

This is why I answer many questions with the words, “it depends”.  When you use on standard-fits-all, you diminish the value of what cannot be measured by this standard.  In the case of ROI, we diminish the value of intangibles.

Example:  when I give clients their strategic direction, they are relieved that I’ve answered questions they’ve struggled with for years.  What’s the value of their peace of mind?  The value of cutting years off of their growth curve?

ROI has a place in our conversations.  Sometimes, it’s not the lead.  And we have a duty to our prospects to point that out.

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