Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> To win the deal, adapt your solutions to meet buyer needs

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 02, 2017

To win the deal, adapt your solutions to meet buyer needs

To win the deal, adapt your solutions to meet buyer needs

Now that we’ve been into full-throttle implementation mode for a month, let’s slow down and ask ourselves: How’s our close ratio? If you’re not getting the deals you want, this top strategy + business article from last fall (10 Principles of Customer Strategy) has a few clues about customer strategy.

Their key finding: Knowing your customer is not enough to get the opportunity. Here’s why: Too many B2B firms fit the customer into their solutions—and only sell their solutions. That’s too confining. What works now: Make the solutions fit what the prospect needs.

Listen: Learn how to adapt your solutions to new client needs.

Yes, we need to be clear on what we do—and stay in our lane, I might add. If we change our focal point away from our gifts and towards the client and their world, we can create customized solutions that make the prospect feel heard and served. Everybody wins.

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