Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> What Market Leaders Will Do In 2016

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 01, 2015

What Market Leaders Will Do In 2016

This is a very interesting time of year. After Thanksgiving (for those in the U.S.) and before the holiday season gets into full swing. The smart folks are gearing up for 2016, so let’s start our crystal ball gazing now with this roundtable of insights about the future of marketing.

Yes, there’s a lot of talk of mobile. Yawn. Here’s the biggest take-away that almost got buried:

Market leaders will not talk to the world but make the world talk.

This explains a lot. It explains why the U.S. culture rewards bad behavior with attention. And that attention — holding enough interest to start a conversation — will be the next big brand currency. Heads up: this trend is bigger than it sounds folks.

Related: Pay attention to these game changing trends in content marketing

What does this mean for thought leadership? Two things:

  1. Actions are bigger than words. We have to go beyond our insights and put them into action.
  2. Tools and stories are great. How people benefit (and what happens next because of your work) can get folks talking.


Many of us have gotten very comfortable throwing insightful spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks. That’s not gonna work anymore. Now is the time to ask yourself: how can I turn what I stand for into an experience for others?


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