Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why All Those Efforts Are Not Working

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  July 16, 2015

Why All Those Efforts Are Not Working

I’m at the age now that I see life’s ambiguities much more clearly. Here’s a great example. The best thing about my work: the people I meet. Thousands of folks have crossed my path and 99% of them are smart, talented, and sincere about making the world a better place. I’ve fallen in love soooo many times.  (Good thing hubby’s not jealous.)

The worst thing about my work: a vast majority of these folks will never be heard. They will not get the opportunities they deserve. Their perspective will be ignored by those who need their help the most.

What happened:  they became part of the noise. They thought “if we get out there with free webinars, blogs, podcasts, etc., this idea / book / business will catch fire”. What I’ve learned from the sidelines: the more spaghetti thrown at the wall, the less that sticks.

Why does this happen? Two words: blind passion. Too many of us get so enamored with the idea we want to share that we don’t pay attention to how we share it. We don’t look at the best way to position our brilliance. We depend too much on our passion to carry us. Because, after all, passion is contagious.

And that’s what I call the paradox of passion. The very thing that gives us the fuel to meet challenges with gusto can also blind us on the best approach.

The antidote: step back then step up.


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