Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why Our Sales Pipeline Has Low-Quality Prospects

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  June 04, 2015

Why Our Sales Pipeline Has Low-Quality Prospects

Like most of you, selling isn’t my full-time job. In fact, I’d love it if my best clients appeared out of thin air and said, “Hi. Here’s my check. Let’s get started.”

Alas, finding and getting great clients requires more time and more importantly, focus. Creating more time is easier to do; just be more disciplined. But that focus part…different story. To concentrate on who is more likely to move forward demands that we let go of prospects who aren’t. That’s easier said than done.

Think about it: how many times do we fall in love with potential? The possibility of working with that great company, or the possibility to land that big speech or assignment can be very seductive. And the mere possibility is enough to entice us to spend more time and energy than necessary. Yes, I am guilty as charged.

In this article for Rain Today, I explore two kinds of buyers worth the effort and one who isn’t. If we adjust our pipeline away from quantity and towards quality, our sales efforts won’t be such a big burden. Realism is not a bad thing either.


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