Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why You Never Really Know How Well (Or How Bad) You’re Doing

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  August 05, 2014

Why You Never Really Know How Well (Or How Bad) You’re Doing

The number one question I ask myself during every brand analysis:  How does this idea / content / strategy compare with market dynamics? In other words, what trends should we take full advantage of and what challenges do we have to move around? The answers to these questions help me determine the best branding for my clients.

Compare these examples: Thought Leader A wrote a book on a subject all of his colleagues talk about.  He doesn’t have a unique perspective within that subject. He told good stories about his glory days and hopes for the best. Thought Leader B wrote a book on a popular subject. He studied what was already published and discussed. He identified his contribution to the conversation and staked his claim. Wanna guess which one got the best results?

I talk to a lot of thought leaders with brands without market analysis. They either can’t figure out what went wrong or they accept a lower version of success.  My take: not knowing what’s happening around us creates two responses:  1) we create silly stories in a vacuum that support what we think is right; and, 2) we focus the brand on clever word play instead of clarity around a direction that is our best path. Result: we play small ball.


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