Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Your Best Move for 2017

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 29, 2016

Your Best Move for 2017

Your Best Move for 2017

Many of us use this quiet time of year to think ahead—about what we want for our business, for our lives in 2017.

It’s easy to look at what worked and promise ourselves to do more of that. And—we also must take a short trip to the dark side. How do you decide when to quit implementing a strategy that didn’t work? Here are my benchmarks:

• Time: I set a time limit for implementation. If I don’t see results, I pull the plug—no matter how close I am to the goal. You can waste months being “almost there.”

• Partners: One of the biggest mistakes I see out there is hiring the wrong people at the wrong time. Example: a colleague hires multiple teams to implement the wrong brand message. If you can’t get results after two attempts, stop and regroup. Get someone in to fix the real problem.

Listen: Two platforms that can’t be implemented well

• Energy: Do you sometimes feel like you’re hitting your head against the wall? That’s a clue to make a big change. The biggest mistake here is making too many small (and safe) adjustments. Either go big or shut it down.

Strategic planning is more than envisioning what you want. It’s also about what you are willing to let go.

Let’s make 2017 your best year yet!

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