Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> How Influence Is Measured Now

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  October 18, 2018

How Influence Is Measured Now

Many of us thought leaders use the term “influential,” that nebulous word that sounds high-powered but is slippery to quantify. Thanks to new – and low-cost tools – how the market defines who is trending is changing.

First, though, a short backstory: Behind influence marketing’s popularity is the quest to determine who is really influential. To answer that question, a flurry of tools that measure our communities’ demographics and engagement are out in full force.

To get an idea of what buyers are using, check out this Social Media Examiner article on evaluating social media influencers. Move past the “how to” premise, and pay attention to the list of tools under items 1 and 2. This stuff (social listening?!) scares me.

The days when we can make big picture claims (such as, “Hey, I’m influential!”) are limited. These tools won’t let us hide anymore.

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Yep, the influence business is becoming a numbers game. It isn’t just how many followers you have, but also their level of activity with you. You better believe this will spill over into speaker selection and sponsorship opportunities. Those who learn how this game is played will stand out quickly.

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