Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> How to Break Through Strong Opinions

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  November 01, 2018

How to Break Through Strong Opinions

I heard a killer presentation this fall that’s very relevant for our tribal times. The Judge Kavanaugh confirmation debate was going on strong. And a sought-after thought leader on gender diversity, Barbara Annis, took an interesting approach: gender intelligence versus gender equality. This distinction opened the door to put down our weapons and see each other differently.

A bigger question: In a room full of fierce debate, how do we say that one thing that changes everything? Here are two things thought leaders can use from Barbara’s playbook:

• Great labels: Everyone knew what gender equality was. Gender intelligence, however, is something we think we know but really don’t. This opens the door for Annis to explain her version to us.

Listen: How to Create Great Labels

• The emotional interpretation: By replacing intelligence with equality, Barbara was able to set a new standard. When she explained how this thinking stops the blame game, I heard sighs of relief from the mostly male audience. Talk about immediate buy-in.

All of us have the power to reach beyond entrenched perspectives and get to the heart of a situation. Barbara Annis did a great job bringing strong opinions together. Check out her book Results at the Top: Using Gender Intelligence to Create Breakthrough Growth.

Now Read This:



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