Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> One Thing Cool Thought Leaders Discuss That No One Else Does

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  November 19, 2015

One Thing Cool Thought Leaders Discuss That No One Else Does

In this noisy marketplace, it’s hard to choose who to listen to. What many of us do: we ask ourselves “what can I do with this information right now?” and direct our attention accordingly.

Here are two S+B articles that demonstrate the difference between thought leaders who get attention and people who just make a lot of noise. Let’s drill down:

  • This article appeared back in February; the message structure here makes it timeless. Many people talk about megatrends. This author goes one step further and focuses on “collisions” (which is a great label)  between the trends. The key message: here’s what is coming up next. Get ready.


Related post: Uncover your brilliance – how to write so that people take notice.


  • A more recent post from prominent thought leaders at Creative Leadership who do the same thing in a different way. This article uses other studies as a springboard to say (1) crisis must be present before growth; and, (2) here are the interventions to navigate that crisis.


Both articles are about transformation; both are hopeful by saying, “Hey, you can play a significant role here.” The difference is the focus. The first article drills down on the impact; the latter is all about the journey. What both do: give a heads up of what to expect.

Framing expectations is the gold standard for thought leadership. Create your manifestos accordingly.


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