Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Podcasts: Find the Cool Conversations

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 10, 2019

Podcasts: Find the Cool Conversations

We’ve explored podcasts a lot this year mainly because, well, everybody has one. Before we get in total holiday planning mode, ask yourself one more question: How do I choose the best podcasts to be a guest on? Do I take all invites or should I be selective? What criteria do I use to decide?

A typical approach is to look at the podcast’s reach and views. If both are low, then go the “no thanks” route.

That method may work for busy CEO celebrities but not for thought leaders promoting their movement. To find the best podcasts for us, go beyond the obvious audience/numbers analysis. We need to check out the environment, especially the interplay between hosts and their guests.

Here’s why: Many hosts use the role not to have a conversation but to have someone to confirm their opinions. How you can tell if you are a prop: When the hosts talk over their guests. Been there. Not fun. They take too much time and you have too little leverage afterwards.

To see a hosting job done right, I present my recent appearance with innovator Karyn Zuidinga. I’ve known Karyn for years, so I knew she’d set up a stimulating conversation. But you don’t have to know the host. Just take some time and listen to their previous episodes. Pay attention to how much they talk compared with their guests.

Listen: Cool Conversation About Thought Leaderships

So, should you look at the numbers? Sure, but don’t stop there. Cool conversations can be leveraged in many ways. (Check out the infographics Karyn did to promote the podcast. Great ideas.) Something to think about as we go into retreat mode after the holidays.

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