Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Speakers Must Make Stories Part of Their Brand. Here’s Why

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  July 27, 2023

Speakers Must Make Stories Part of Their Brand. Here’s Why

Speakers Must Make Stories Part of their Brand. Here’s Why

In the good old days, if you had a compelling personality and cool stories, you would be a favorite pick as a motivational speaker. Alas, those days are gone.

Here’s why: As those types of speakers became increasingly popular, tales of resilience and triumph flooded the market. CEOs turned consultants and authors promoting books jumped on the story bandwagon. Soon after, speakers with riveting narratives were working for nearly free.

Does that mean if you have a great backstory, you’re relegated to the free zone? Nope, not if you can differentiate yourself. Here are two ways you can do that:

Prominence: Stories that have big media coverage get extra value because the attention can generate more media excitement and increase attendance. Speakers who want to get paid more than $7,500 must boost their prominence.

• Platform: Now that stories are ubiquitous, event planners are picky. They want a story that has a message that resonates with the audience. Think about it: Filmmaker Tyler Perry used his story to build his empire based on forgiveness. The same dynamic works on a smaller scale. So, use the story as context for a bigger message.

A lot of speakers depend on their background and adventures to get speaking invites. The marketplace has changed. Now your story must be part of an overall brand that brings unique value to the event. Proceed accordingly.

Listen: The Best Way to Position Your Story  

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