Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Best Way to Negotiate Speaking Fees …

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  March 16, 2023

The Best Way to Negotiate Speaking Fees …

Contract, 100-dollar bills, and a pen

… When You Really Want the Deal

When event budgets are scarce (like so many are these days), it’s easy to put a lot of pressure on yourself when you need to negotiate speaking fees.

Yes, the person is interested. But if you go in too low, you will undercut your brand. Go in too high, and you lose the speaking opportunity that you were really counting on.

Clouding the picture, many event organizers will promote their audience and promise “more work later” if you take less now.

When You Must Negotiate Fees

Here are two areas to explore when pressured to take a lower speaking fee:

• Can the audience deliver? A lot of organizers hard-sell their audience. Go one step further by checking out the stats they give advertisers and sponsors. This information can usually be found on the website, under the section that promote partnerships. If you don’t see it there, check out readership stats that advertisers receive about their publications.

• The role of the organizer. Is this person really the decision maker or are they a less powerful ally? Can they hire you for multiple events or are they a respected influence on the power players? Many of your biggest fans can influence the current committee but no one else. Asking questions about what they can do to promote more speaking will give you an accurate picture.

Listen: How to Raise Prices After a Discount  

Between smaller budgets and your desire to get out there, it’s tempting to reduce your fees “just this once.” And that’s OK. Keep in mind, though, that everyone is looking for special consideration. Be prepared to negotiate and have your strategy locked down.

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