Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Best Way to Respond to Setbacks

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 23, 2023

The Best Way to Respond to Setbacks

Yellow paper plane breaking free from a loop of gray paper planes

When you hear the constant drumbeat of “no” from buyers, you can feel like you are spinning wheels and going nowhere. Worse, it can create discouragement that turns into paralysis. How you respond to such setbacks can mean the difference between treading water—and hoping not to sink—and pivoting to new opportunities.

2 Reasons Why People Can’t Overcome Setbacks

To keep from getting stuck in the same old loop, it’s helpful to look at what causes people to get stuck. Here are two common reactions people have to setbacks that cause them to remain stuck:

• Blindly carrying on. High achievers, I’m looking at you. When experiencing setbacks, it’s tempting to do more of what you’re currently doing. You likely believe you aren’t doing enough and that perseverance is the answer. Try this instead: Take a break and analyze possible changes. Drill down on what worked and what didn’t, then apply those lessons.

• Staying too long in research mode. This is the flip side of the above coin. It’s easy to stay in learning mode because there’s no pressure to produce any results. If you find yourself asking the same questions over and over, though, you’ve stayed too long here. You already have enough information. So, analyze what you have and force yourself to decide the path forward.

Look, it’s crazy out there. A lot of us are gonna suffer setbacks and hit a few walls. The key to getting past them depends on how you react when you do hit them.

Listen: How to Stop Treading Water for Too Long


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