Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> What Associations Won’t Tell You About How They Select Speakers

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 05, 2019

What Associations Won’t Tell You About How They Select Speakers

Want to know how associations really select those headline keynote speakers? Sure, you can go to the organization’s website and check out the theme. Another source of intel, however, is how they promote speakers already hired.

A great example is the Association of Talent Development (ATD) press release announcing the keynote for their May 2020 International Conference, former PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi. Pay attention to these things:

• What leads? The most important thing folks want us to know is what they consider most important. In this case, it’s the performance with purpose campaign. What this tells us: CEOs are now differentiating themselves with a cause. How you can apply this: Think about the connection between what you stand for and the marketplace. Is there a passion project you can be known for? If so, let’s give that a name.

• What role? Note that ATD refers to Nooyi as “chief architect.” This is not an accident, but a great frame that creates a strong mental picture about the speaker’s perspective. What this tells us: It’s not just the message anymore. Our roles are important now in differentiating our message. How you can apply this: Create a two-word (at most) description of your role.

Listen: How to Determine Your Best Role In the Market’s Conversation

How event organizers promote keynote speakers can tell us a lot about what is important to those choosing them. So, the next time you do research on a market segment or association, look beyond the theme and who they hired. Check out how they describe that person. That’s where the real inside scoop hides.

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