Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> What Makes Your Big Idea Stand Out?

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  May 21, 2019

What Makes Your Big Idea Stand Out?

In the land where everyone has a megaphone, it’s easy for your brilliance get lost in the white noise. So, what makes your big concept stand out in an avalanche of good ideas? This post from OpenView shows the difference between insights and information that gets attention.

Let’s skip the diagnosis part (which is nicely done) and explore the roles. The author used strong labels (Dragon Slayer and Patron Saint) to determine his client’s part. The bigger question, though: Can you use the same strategy of roles to brand your thought leadership? You bet we can.

Establishing your role in the conversation in the marketplace does two things:

• Creates expectations and consistency. Buyers trust thought leaders when they get from them what they expect. Defining your place in the conversation can focus your voice in content marketing, books, etc. Your role becomes the lens the marketplace uses to understand your insights.

• Gives your big idea some breathing space. Determining your place in the conversation expands how your wisdom can be applied in other areas without looking like you’re out in left field. It’s a great way to avoid the growth-killing “one-hit wonder” category.

Listen: How to Describe Your Role

Many thought leaders identify roles to help their readers/clients understand their journey. Go one step further and use that technique to make your ideas stand out.

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