Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why Successful People Get Ignored by Event Organizers

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 15, 2018

Why Successful People Get Ignored by Event Organizers

Speaking opportunities

I talk to a lot of successful people who are ready for their next big adventure. They want high-fee speaking engagements at cool events. They want to teach others what they’ve learned. Their biggest challenge: skimming.

Here’s what many high achievers think: I’m successful, so all I need to do is talk about what makes me successful. Between that and my awesome story, I will get all sorts of speaking engagements.

Here’s what happens: Buyers see a cool story and think, “Hmm, that’s nice.” But they know it’s no different than the 99 other cool stories they’ve heard. So they move on to your message. If it’s the same generalities they’ve heard before, they now see you as “old wine in a new bottle.” Game over.

Listen: 2 telltale signs that you’re stuck on your story

Too many high-achievers-turned speakers skim the surface of their message. They think their achievements are enough, that general platitudes with good stories will work. In a world where everyone is a sparkling success, this is the #1 reason why these folks don’t get the high-fee speaking invites.

Speaker selections have become strategic. The message you personify has to create the “experience” that brands the event. Regardless of your achievements, your story is the backdrop to what you represent. Choose wisely.

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