Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Why You Should Ignore What Clients Say They Need

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  October 23, 2018

Why You Should Ignore What Clients Say They Need

Confession: I watch reality TV. My drug … er channel … of choice: HGTV. Those dang home shows have me hook, line, and sinker.

While I do love the grand reveals, what really fascinates me is how folks start with such a strong list of “needs” only to love what doesn’t fit all their desires. The same thing happens to us during sales conversations. Have you noticed how clients will be so strong in the beginning, then all of a sudden change their minds?

What really happens: Folks come in with their needs based on what they know. You show them other options, and that list changes in a heartbeat. Which is why you shouldn’t assume the client’s first list is the final list.

Listen: How to Influence Clients’ Needs

To me, sales conversations are explorations. The goal isn’t to “get a client.” The best conversations create a connection and clarify the best outcomes. When we verify and adjust client needs, we have a clear path to success. Everyone wins.

Now Read This:


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  • Author : Gene Konstant

    Published: 2018-11-04 14:17:42

    Early in any discussion with a potential client I ask "What is the end result you want to accomplish ... how do you want it to be?" and often have to ask secondary questions to get to the specifics .. then I tell them I can do that [if I can - or refer to someone moire qualified than I]. And here is they key - in the process I determine if they are really willing to be held accountable - are responsible for their performance - if they are I can help and if they are not I'm taking money under false pretenses because if you're not accountable there's no surity of success and to 'put up or shut up' I often include a performance based factor in how and how much I get paid - because integrity demands one must lead by example and be authentic.

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