Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> 3 Great Ideas to Make Your Social Media Efforts Pop

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 27, 2016

3 Great Ideas to Make Your Social Media Efforts Pop

3 Great Ideas to Make Your Social Media Efforts Pop

As we gear up for 2017, I’m sure many of us are thinking about how to use social media better. If you are having trouble coming up with ideas, Small Business Insider’s post How to Crush It on the Top 4 Social Media Platforms has some great suggestions.

My favorite part: the best market segments for each of the popular platforms. You’ll also want to pay attention to these tips:

• Twitter frequency. The average life of a tweet is two hours. So, those who tweet only once or twice per day (yep, that’s me—on a good day) are just wasting time. If you’re going to use this platform, go big or go home. The good news: You can tweet the same thing multiple times.

• Facebook Insight. This tool gives you great data on active users. Be aware of the lurkers, though. There are a lot of folks who read your page without interacting. You’re influencing them. They’re just quiet about it.

Listen: Two things that will kill your business on Facebook

• Bright shiny Instagram. Given all the celebrity use of Instagram, it’s tempting to give this platform a priority—especially if you are in mass markets. Don’t go there unless your market segments are teens or younger millennials.

I’ve spent time on social media as an experiment to see what works and what doesn’t. This year I’m getting more strategic. This is a potent tool. Let’s use it wisely and deliberately.

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