Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Real Reason Why You Are Busy

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  August 01, 2017

The Real Reason Why You Are Busy

I hear a lot of people say they are too busy to think about market strategy and creating a plan stand out – differentiate themselves. Instead, they ignore the marketplace and do practical stuff that looks good on paper, such as building websites and writing books.

Why do talented, brilliant people blow off such an important thing?

My theory: the blind spot of busy. Here’s how the smartest people fall into this trap:

• Initially, strategy is fun. But after getting “30,000-foot feedback” from colleagues, people get bored. They’re past the naval gazing stage. Now it’s time to check out the market. That reality check can be scary. No one wants to hear that their first-draft idea won’t work. You can feel vulnerable.

• In contrast, busy feels better; it feels creative. It feels like progress—like you’re getting things done. And as long as you’re in doing mode, you don’t have to worry about how the marketplace will respond. You can assume the best and focus on clever words.

Listen: 2 payoffs for being busy

Being busy is great if you have a job. If someone pays you to come in at a certain time and leave at a certain time, busy makes the time fly by.

But … you don’t have a job. You own a business. Buyers do not care if you spent 15,000 weeks on your book. No one cares if you spent a year building your methodology. Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you get paid.

That’s why figuring out how to stand out in a crowded market is important. It gets you paid. Before you spend too much time being busy.

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