Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> 2-Step Strategy to Get Prospects to Talk with You

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  June 18, 2020

2-Step Strategy to Get Prospects to Talk with You

2-Step Strategy to Get Prospects to Talk with You

During chaotic times, it’s hard to find folks who will stop and talk about their needs. And that’s a big problem when your sales approach is customized. So, how do you get interested prospects to have exploratory conversations when they won’t even return your calls? The key is to get and stay on the radar. My two-step strategy:

1. Send them something you think would be useful and tell them why. Tie that rationale into a previous conversation or idea. They may not follow through, but they will appreciate the effort. Ignore the radio silence.

2. Go on repeat. Don’t reach out a couple of times, then slack off (which is tempting to do when you don’t get a response). Keep reaching out and giving value. There are two reasons for doing this: timing and accumulation of good will. At some point, most folks will respond with a thanks and an update of what’s going on with them. That opens the door for a conversation. Timing is everything.

Listen: Two Ways to Get Folks to Respond

Everyone gets overwhelmed. As you know, when it happens to you, the last thing you want to talk about is the future. Your prospects are the same. So, if they don’t respond initially, keep plugging away. Those doors will crack open eventually.

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