Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Be an Interpreter

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  January 16, 2020

Be an Interpreter

I talk a lot about how thought leaders stand out by defining their role in big conversations. This Fast Company article is a great example of one of my favorite part folks can play: that of an interpreter.

Move past the subject matter. Check out the scenarios where being an interpreter is the most valuable:

• When meanings are hidden. The focus on “trick questions” and job interviews insinuates that the author has an inside edge to high-risk situations. In this competitive world, that perspective is an asset. How to apply: Are there situations your clients face where nothing is as it appears? An environment filled will possible “landmines?” If so, being an interpreter can be seen as a “secret weapon.”

Listen: Two Places Where the Inside Edge Is Most Valued

• When folks have too many options. Notice how the author pinpoints a specific approach. By identifying the best path forward, the article goes beyond the interpretation and into recommendations. It answers the question: Now what? How to apply: Narrow down the options. Have one best path forward. In a world where everyone has an opinion, this one-two punch stands out.

In the volatile world in which we live, it’s easy to lose your way. By interpreting what is going on and helping people decide what to do next, thought leaders can go beyond being talking heads towards trusted resources.

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