Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Boost Your Brand: Create a One-Stop Resource

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 24, 2022

Boost Your Brand: Create a One-Stop Resource

Boost Your Brand: Create a One-Stop Resource

Creating a handy resource not only helps people, but it also boosts your brand.

An example of such a device is Micropedia. It’s an encyclopedic website that features everyday microaggressions that those from marginalized groups face. The resource is helpful for two groups: people on the receiving end who would like validation that what was said was wrong and people concerned they may be unintentionally saying offensive things and want to fix their behavior

You, too, can create a one-stop resource like that for your business. What issue is top of mind to your buyers? What questions do they frequently ask? The benefits are multi-pronged. You provide answers to pertinent and popular questions, you improve your website’s SEO, and you boost your brand.

How a One-Stop Resource Helps Your Brand

Here are two ways a one-stop resource helps your brand:

• It helps you stand out in a crowded market. While everyone else writes opinion pieces about the impact of microaggressions, Stephanie Yung sets out to solve the problem by creating a collection of problematic statements. She then expands the experience by inviting users to add to the list. To apply, ask yourself: How can I help people answer their own questions? Can I make my experience expandable?

• It allows you to showcase your talent. Micropedia’s easy-to-use navigation and content demonstrate the value proposition of Yung’s design firm far more effectively than testimonials and statistics. (The verbiage is a great brand voice, too.) This lets users experience the value without risk. It’s a great tool if you operate in a crowded market where competitors make similar claims. To apply, ask yourself: What must I showcase to show how I’m different or better?

Listen: 2 Scenarios Where Handy Tools Thrive 

As you beef up your content marketing, consider different formats. Creating a one-stop resource that folks can use time and time again affirms your brand, showcases your value, increases engagement, and elevates your visibility in the market.

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