Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> How to Position Your Superpower

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  February 27, 2018

How to Position Your Superpower

how to position your superpower

We hear a lot of talk about superpowers lately. The good news: Everyone has one. The bad news: In crowded markets, everyone has one.

That is why the last thing you want to do is create a platform or brand highlighting your gift, your super power, your unique ability, whatever you wish to call it. Here’s what happens when folks base their thought leadership on their gifts alone:

• People are immediately attracted to you and reach out. But after a couple of interactions, you get ghosted. Why? Because your superpower didn’t rise to the level of “must have.” Your contribution stayed in the “nice to do one of these days” category, which none of us get around to.

Listen: What to do next after identifying your best gift

• People like you and download your free stuff, but they don’t buy anything. Why? Your content has great ideas but they aren’t unique enough to stand out – they don’t elicit that, “Oh, that’s different!” response. Therefore, you are seen as “old wine in a new bottle.” This happens a lot in leadership and self-help sectors. When you sound like everyone else, people don’t know what to do with you.

Don’t get me wrong – it’s critical that you can identify and articulate how you help. But that’s just the first step in navigating crowded markets. If you assume your gift is enough to stand out, you force buyers to figure out how to best use you — and for they are too overwhelmed with options to do the work.

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