Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Rise of User-Generated Content

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  March 14, 2023

The Rise of User-Generated Content

The letters UGC (User Generated Content) on multicolored stickers attached to a cork board. Kiyota

Get ready for it. This year, more brands will embrace word-of-mouth marketing, using social media as a vehicle to source user-generated content (UGC) from customers.

There’s a strong business case for this, which is driving the movement, according to an article in Smartbrief.

“Marketers have seen UGC drive 29% higher web conversions compared to campaigns or websites that fail to leverage UGC,” the article says.

Between social media and big-scale amplification, UGC looks like client testimonials on meth.

The big questions now: What messages should UGC convey? What do non-clients need to know from your fans and allies?

2 Ways to Use User-Generated Content

UGC works best for positioning these kinds of messages:

• On the ground results. By providing specific results, you demonstrate your impact in the real world. Potential clients will compare their situation to that described. So, the more your clients are willing to be vulnerable and provide details, the more they can educate. Idea: Advocate not only the stellar results, but also the client’s journey.

• The experience of working with you. In addition to being concerned about results, prospects worry that the process will be too messy. By focusing on the experience, you will lay those fears to rest. Any information that lowers the risk of collateral damage paves the way for reaching out.

Listen: How to Amplify User-Generated Content 

Yes, word of mouth has been around for decades. (These days, we call it “customer influencer.”) Big changes are afoot, though. Clients giving general accolades on social media is no longer enough. Personification and specificity are now required. Proceed accordingly.

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