Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> The Strategic Use of ‘Getting Real’

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  December 20, 2018

The Strategic Use of ‘Getting Real’

When navigating social media interactions, it’s critical that you keep your filters on. Here’s a bigger question: Is there a time to take off the brake and say how you really feel?

In this Wow Whispering podcast with colleague Diane Curran, I did just that. And here are two scenarios when “getting real” gets attention for all the right reasons.

• When it doesn’t happen often. If your signature style is always set on blast, then you’re doing that again will be less intriguing. You’ll appeal to your base but won’t grow your community.

• When the target is worthy. Some things deserve a measured approach; some don’t. And that discernment is the difference between being justifiably “real” and just being petty. So, check your motivations. The key question to ask yourself here: “Am I serving the greater good?”

Listen: How to Say What You Think Without Sounding Obnoxious

A lot of folks use “getting real” in our polarized times to get attention, when it’s really just an excuse to be obnoxious. The days when people are willing to be abused in the spirit of learning are gone. Use some discernment and be strategic. If used well, the “no filters” approach can get attention without the blowback.

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