Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> What Sticks In a Noisy Market

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  September 07, 2017

What Sticks In a Noisy Market

What Sticks In a Noisy Market

What I love most about podcast interviews: the ideas that come from the interaction. And that’s exactly what happened when John Bowen at AES Nation and I cussed and discussed how to cut through the noise that buyers experience every day.

These ideas are not just for entrepreneurs. Too many of us think we are the best in a broad category – have the best service, have the best quality, are the best in a particular industry. The problem is anyone can make that claim. Result: Everyone uses pretty words to all say the same thing. Buyers stop listening because they don’t learn anything new.

Listen: How to differentiate your story

Here’s an idea: Don’t focus what you do best. Use compelling language to highlight one idea, the one insight that leads buyers to discover your claim to fame. Result: Buyers believe you are unique because they experience something new.

And what they discover… sticks. Because it’s their light-bulb moment, not ours.

Clever wordplay is everywhere. Deciding what we want the buyers to believe—that’s strategy. Using the power of discovery will set you apart in a world where everyone uses different words to say the same thing.

>> Listen to my interview with John.

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