Vickie Sullivan

Market Strategy for Thought Leaders

Resources  >> Writing Marketing Copy: Entice First, Teach Later

Written by: Vickie Sullivan  |  August 24, 2021

Writing Marketing Copy: Entice First, Teach Later

Writing Marketing Copy: Entice First, Teach Later undefined

Writing marketing copy can be fun and creative. Searching for that perfect headline, though, can be a distraction to a bigger question. What keeps the buyer’s attention?

Observation: When you are too close to the details, it’s easy to get lost in explaining. When you love your process and your approach, it’s tempting to assume everyone else will, too, once they know about it.

The reality: The marketplace doesn’t care about your framework or your process. You must pique buyers’ interest first and hold that attention. The details will not help with the latter.

It’s not the slogans or the headlines in your marketing copy. It’s what the buyer learns after that initial attraction, the space after the interest is piqued but before the buyer decides to dig into the details.

Listen: 2 Things that Make Buyers Care About Your Approach 

This is where message strategy comes in. What you say after that amazing headline is the difference between someone glancing at your content and someone who has solid interest. Put your dazzling talking points first. Then add the “pretty words” to convey that message.

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